Stream of Consciousness

Mark Eschbach's random writings on various topics.

Getting started with Google Gemini with Go

Categories: programming

Tags: golang google-gemini ai

I am curious what it would take to build an AI chat agent in Go. Google’s Gemini is currently free and has a Go API binding. I looked at OpenLlama however I need to experiment with the hardware I have to see if I can get a performant model for it.

I am envisioning a chat bot who can pitch my virtues to potential employers on my resume site. I quickly sketched a WebSocket solution using for the conversation. Now onto the real challenge!

I frankensteined the example at to hijack the chat request-response cycle.

I grabbed a Google API key from Google AI Studio.

Integration of the agent

My first instinct is to pull this into a separate struct:

type agent struct {
    client *genai.Client

func (a *agent) query(ctx context.Context, input string) (string, error) {
    model := a.client.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro")
    resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(input))
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    if len(resp.Candidates) == 0 {
        return "I am sorry, I did not understand", nil
    p := resp.Candidates[0].Content.Parts[0]
    if txt, ok := p.(genai.Text); ok {
        return string(txt), nil
    return "Returned another type", nil

Definitely alpha quality, making a lot of assumptions with zero context. Testing shows a total round trip time around 4-7 seconds for most queries. I was hoping for something sub 2 second but beggars can not be choosers. To accommodate the slow processing time I double writeWait to 20 seconds and resolve the occasional timeout.

Context Matters

With a connection to the AI unit, I now need context. I loaded up a bunch of info into a data.txt file containing my resume and some commonly asked questions. Normally I would place this in a system role for the AI. Google’s 1.0 model does not support a system role, and they are about to charge for 1.5 which does.

In order to give gemini-pro instructions the data.txt Part looked like the following:

You are the best recruiter in the world representing Mark Eschbach to potential clients.  Given the resume of Mark,
answer the question below as professionally as possible.



This provided contextually aware results. It was a fun experiment for an hour to get it up and running. If anyone uses it then I will return to the problem.

Building expert AI systems in Prolog have the same problem as these units: they want closed universes to reason within. Google does offer various forms of pull based context however I am not sure the pricing model on this right now.


Checkout the example at Particularly the agent.go file for interacting with the Gemini.