Stream of Consciousness

Mark Eschbach's random writings on various topics.


Automatic release of a Go library

Power Monitoring of the Home Lab

Samsung SSD Write Limits

Virtual Desktop Research

Hugo - Deploying to multiple environments

Increasing maximum pod count on k8s node

Gitea `act_runner` with `actions/cache@v4` approach notes

MetalLB, Kubernetes, and

Serving assets from Minio through k8s ingress - Take 2

Serving assets from Minio through k8s ingress

Hugo post categories and tags

Styling Hugo

Setting up new node!

Revisiting Prometheus

Reviewing ITIL

Raspberry Pi as a k8s node

Raspberry Pi 4 K8S Node

Pushing Changes with Salt Master

pfSense: Routing with FRR

Minio on Synology

k8s: LVM Persistent Volumes

k8s: Fixing My Broken Cluster III

k8s: Fixing My Broken Cluster II

k8s: Fixing my broken cluster

k8s: Changing Cluster DNS

Installing Prometheus on Metal

Home Network Design

Generating a kubeconfig for a user

Forking Node Module

Fixing a static asset pipeline

Feasiability of building an API against Gluster

Exploring kubeadm

Deploying Postgres Operator

Deploying Mattermost

Deploying Masterless Salt on the Raspberry Pi

Capturing disk images within Kubernetes Part II

Capturing disk images within Kubernetes

Backing up Postgres in k8s

Backing up Postgres

ALB and k8s: Routing between namespaces