Stream of Consciousness

Mark Eschbach's random writings on various topics.

Increasing maximum pod count on k8s node

Categories: tech

Tags: kubernetes kubelet

In my homelab one node is 6-15x bigger depending on dimension prior to even talking about storage. CPU and memory are detected within Kubernetes however the maximum pod count does not. I have pushed past that threshold with my mostly idle pods and would like to increase the count. In theory this will reduce reliability in a failure case, or more likely in maintenance operations such as restarting or quarterly dust removal. Currently, my cluster only hosts 167 pods meaning the cluster will be able to fail over as long as I do not pass the 220 threshold…and can run in the memory and CPU architecture constraints :-) .

Anyway an article approaching this from the SystemD unit side seems to be the first hit. Ideally this would be KubeletConfiguration instead. is the configuration namespace. With CredentialProviderConfig I might be able to stop injecting pull secrets into every namespace. I will have to consider the ramifications of this later.

Despite not being able to directly link to the docs, maxPods does exist as a field on KubeletConfiguration. Thumbing through reminds me I have a number of other fields I would like to add at another time, such as verifying Topology Manager is set up correctly, k8s is made NUMA aware and I learn about CPU management.


Sadly kubectl get KubeletConfiguration --all-namespaces fails with error: the server doesn't have a resource type "KubeletConfiguration". Nor does it show up in something like OpenLens. After some research it looks like this is just housed in the files for each node which is a bit unexpected, but I guess makes some sense. Definitely prevents a malicious actor from running a pod which then reconfigures nodes. Looks like nodes process from k8s themselves is to: 1.) Update teh configuration: kubectl edit cm -n kube-system kubelet-config 2.) Run kubeadm upgrade node phase kubelet-config 3.) systemctl restart kubelet

These require restarts of kubelet including moving workloads. Since my family is home on Spring Break this week I will need to defer this update until then.